
This site has shifted from a site about general IRC use, to a site for several Undernet IRC Channels. 

IRC can be fun. IRC can be educational. IRC could be making a comeback. This site will attempt to explain some of IRC's main features and tools in an easily understandable way. I'll also explain some of the downsides to IRC.

I use the Undernet network 99% of the time, so this site will focus mostly on Undernet. I will post some info about how some other networks differ. But if in doubt, I'm probably talking about Undernet.

Remember this: IRC is very old technology. There are no bells and whistles, and it's not terribly intuitive to use. It can be confusing, especially on mobile phones. There are many scammers and “tricksters” on IRC, so I'll talk a little about how to recognize a scam, and how to protect yourself, as much as you really can.

IRC is not dangerous, in and of itself. It's just a platform, after all. With a little knowledge, and some practical steps, you can really enjoy using it on a regular basis.

If you have any specific questions, please use the Search feature, and if you can't find what you need, consider leaving a Comment on a related post. I'll see every comment, and will either reply to you there, or, create a new Post to explain whatever it is. And thanks in advance 😉