All channels listed on are 18+. Nicknames in some channels may indicate a user's preferred roleplay age. Channels that allow underage people are not allowed. If you want to have a channel listed here you must have a published rule stating that these are roleplay nicknames, not user's actual ages. If you want to host your own web site, or host channel bots or IRC bouncers, I use FranTech/BuyVM DDOS-Protected IRC shell accounts.

IRC used to be a big deal. Back in the days before Social Media, IRC was King. We had some internet access through AOL, and some through other services like CompuServ, but the majority of online interaction and chat was still on Bulletin Board Systems (BBS).

Today we have Facebook, Discord, Instagram and numerous other interactive platforms. IRC has taken a back seat, to put it mildly.

The interesting thing is that IRC is still alive and well. I think most adults enjoy the sheer simplicity of IRC, being entirely text based and very fast. People of my generation, who grew up offline, are tired of the graphical tsunami we face on modern-day platforms. IRC allows us to focus on talking to other humans without the intrusion of video, audio, or those evil emojis! In fact, I've seen an uptick in IRC usage over the past few months. I've seen articles about using IRC servers for internal corporate communications. The development community for IRC is alive and well. Is IRC making a resurgence? I don't know. Only time will tell. simply provides some web page space for individual IRC channels. Most channel pages look like they were built in the early 1990s. Most IRC channel operators don't have a clue about web site development or HTML, etc. This space makes it very easy.

If you want to have your channel listed here, with your own WordPress site, simply contact mr_right on the Undernet IRC Network.


Fight botnets with Eggdrop and BlackTools

Fight Botnets with Eggdrop Bot and Blacktools Blacktools can be downloaded from Be sure to check out the forums for the latest information. If you are not familiar with BlackTools, be sure to read this and other guides. It's incredibly powerful, and...

Stopping bot, spammer, flooder attacks on Undernet

Update: Check out this article on using Eggdrop and Blacktools to fight these bots. I've been watching a channel get attacked by bot-nets, being flooded day after day, for about two weeks. The attacker is spamming nasty stuff for hours at a time, flooding the channel...

IRC Etiquette

IRC has users from all over the world, from all different cultures, all languages, all ages, and all economic backgrounds. It is important to follow some basic rules of etiquette so everyone can participate and engage effectively. Most established channels publish a...

mIRC Clone scanner script for Ops

This is a really cool little mIRC script. It lets you right-click in a channel and select "Clone Scanner", and it instantly reports on any hosts with multiple nicks in that channel. It does this so quickly by using mIRC's Internal Address List (IAL). When you first...

Protect Yourself on IRC

This is not intended to be a guide to hiding from the legal aspects of using IRC. This is to help you protect yourself on IRC against scammers, stalkers, and worse. Also, these are guidelines - they aren't really rules. However, I'm going to call them rules because...

Roleplay vs Cybersex

This is an old conversation. People have been debating roleplay vs cybersex for decades, likely since the very first cybersex session. My view is quite simple, and I think it bears out when reading all the google results 🙂 Cybersex is mostly simple acts of sex....

IRC Tips for Beginners

IRC Tips IRC (Internet Relay Chat) is an old technology that allows people to create and join chat rooms (known as #channels), and have group conversations. People can also send and reply to private messages, and much more. IRC can be very confusing for new users, so...

How to find #sex on Undernet

Easy-peasy! Connect to the Undernet network (using mIRC, or most IRC clients):

/server 6667

after you are connected, type:

/join #sex

In the channel, type:


And be welcome 🙂

List of Undernet Servers:

Download mIRC:

Getting Started with mIRC: